Did you know there are over 250 termite species?
There are various termite species of North Brisbane, and not knowing which one is invading your home can prevent an effective treatment strategy from being effective. Identifying the species of termite is vital to ensure the most effective outcome. Keep reading to learn the different types of termites and how to identify them.
They are a widespread and common termite all over Australia and here at Flash Pest Control we see our fair share around the Moreton Bay Area. If you have ever heard of or seen on TV, a home being completely destroyed by termites, it was likely by this Coptotermes species. They have been known to destroy homes in months not years! This species often isolates itself within a house, as long as they have moisture and a food source to keep them going. This species of termite can have colony sizes often exceeding 500,000 individuals and sometimes more. Another interesting but disturbing fact is that Coptotermes can travel up to 100m from their nest, double the distance of other termites.
Heterotermes termites are often found in and around North Brisbane attacking posts, wooden fences, as well as gyprock walls and ceilings. This species of termite especially likes decaying matter making timber decking and fencing a favoured feeding site for these termites. As they like to nest below ground, they do not often build mounds however they are often found close to other nesting termite species.
Schedorhinotermes are the second most destructive termite in the Moreton Bay area. Their very timid nature means they will move to a different part of the home or structure if exposed to light, which makes treating them more difficult than other species. Even the slightest disturbance can cause this species of termite to move which is the last thing any homeowner wants. That’s why, if you do inadvertently discover termites, it’s important to call a termite professional as soon as possible to identify and treat them.
This termite species is situated in coastal areas. Microcerotermes termites often make their arboreal nests on trees. They sometimes also produce mounds both beneath and above ground. This Species are amongst the most visible termites in suburbia and on bushwalks. You might have seen their distinctive low knobbly mounds or mud like structures on trees. These can also pop up in your garden and on fence posts. While Microcerotermes are not as fast eating as some other species, it’s still important to be aware of them and treat any nests surrounding your home to help minimise potential damage to your valuable home.
This arboreal nesting, tree dwelling termite is the least often found in homes, but still a destructive timber pest which is found predominantly in southeast Queensland. They are a darker coloured termites that, when found, often make their nest in the roof void of a property. If given the opportunity, these termites will start at the top structure and work their way down. Any unprotected property is at risk of termite attack but for this species the risk increases if there are gum trees growing around your home.
When it comes to termite species of North Brisbane, drywood termites are in a different cast to any of the termites mentioned above and live in warm climates like ours. Unlike other species of termite, these pests do not need contact with the soil or moisture. They live in the wood they feed on, which makes them difficult to detect. They are in furniture, wooden beams, and other wooden structures. They are usually yellow or light brown.
What to do if you suspect you have termites?
If you suspect that you have a termite infestation, it’s important to get help to identify and treat them as soon as possible. As you have read, each species of termite has its own unique behaviours and it’s important to get an experienced termite inspector to assist you. Here at Flash Pest Control, Termites are what we do. If you have any concerns at all, feel free to contact us for a Free Onsite Termite Assessment. This will allow us to investigate exactly what is happening and work together to keep your home protected.